(Just a bit of)

I moved to Israel straight after high school at the age of 18 in the summer of 2016. After a year of studying Jewish Law and Bible, I drafted to the Israeli army as a Navigation Instructor for an Elite Commando Unit. I married my husband Yakir and studied at Hebrew University for one year, yet I quickly realized I wanted to study what my heart has always longed for: Israel--and all of it. I am a woman of many hats, as I grew up in an Orthodox Jewish home in Boca Raton, Florida, have family with Reform, Conservative and non-Jewish background. I can, therefore, lead groups and show families of various backgrounds what they want to know and see, and much much more.
Today, Yakir and I reside in Jerusalem, just a short walk away from the Old City, where I flourish amidst the diversity and continue to explore its intensity.
I received my license to be a professional tour guide from Yad Yitzchak Ben Zvi Institute in February 2022 . The excitement I had then still exists now, and I hope that excitement never goes away.
I have a deep appreciation for the people and cultures that surround me. I cannot think of a better way to share that love with others. I love walking the land with its people, exploring its layers of history and modernity.
I am fluent in English and Hebrew (and I am slowly working on my Arabic...).